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While a pinched nerve may sound like something that should be an easy fix, it really is something that can not only derail your day, but can take a long time to heal from. The pain and other often severe symptoms that are often experienced as a result of pinched nerves can leave you without the ability or energy to do much of anything on the daily. While some people can work through the pain for a bit, many end up with too much pain to do most tasks, or at least need to take everything considerably easier because of the pinched nerve. This obviously isn’t a long term solution, especially if you have a job outside of the home or people who rely on you to do other tasks. Being diagnosed with a pinched nerve doesn’t have to bring your life to a stop, but you do need to be careful if you think you have one.

Pinched nerves are caused by high amounts of pressure placed on a nerve by the surrounding body parts. This pressure can cause different issues in the area, which can cause severe pain. Pinched nerve pain lingers, so if you have extensive pain you need to call DiBella Chiropractic and see a doctor. If you aren’t sure if you are experiencing symptoms of a pinched nerve, here are some symptoms to look out for:

  • Muscle weakness in an isolated area
  • Pain that feels either sharp or aching, which normally radiates out from a specific point
  • Numbness or decreased sensation in an isolated area
  • Tingling, or a feeling of “pins and needles”, as if a limb has fallen asleep
  • Any of these symptoms getting worse during the night

In order to be diagnosed, you will likely need to have a series of tests done that your doctor will request. These often include imaging tests and/or electrical pulse tests which help your doctor determine if the issue is in your nervous system or if it is something else. From there, you may need physical therapy, medication, or even surgery depending on how extensive the damage is.

If you want to see what your treatment options are before you resort to surgery, give us a call. We are here to help you feel better even if your nerves are acting up. We know how painful a pinched nerve can be and will do everything we can to help you feel better, so come in today!

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