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If you have kids, then you know how active and how much energy they normally have. Let me tell you, I have two nephews and they tire me out! While it can be tempting to tell them to go outside and play while you sit in the shade and read a book while keeping an eye on them, it is always good to get some exercise with them as well. Here are a couple of things you can do with your kids outdoors over the summer.

  1. Ride A Bike. Learning how to ride a bike is a rite of passage for many children. This is especially true when you finally take the training wheels off and they can ride around either with you, their siblings, or their friends. It can be great fun and is wonderful exercise. While teaching your children how to ride, why don’t you break out your own bike and show them how it’s done? Just make sure that you are on pretty smooth ground. If they are too young to ride themselves, you can get ride along trailers so they can enjoy the outside while you get some exercise.
  2. Walk or Jog. Going for a walk with your children is a great way to spend time together and exercise at the same time. You may want to walk down to the local park they enjoy or walk over to a friend’s house for a playdate while you get to talk to someone who can use more than two syllable words and is potty trained. If your child is still in a stroller, there are jogging strollers available. If you don’t want to deal with that hassle, you may want to look into a baby sling or a strap on baby carrier. These can both be great tools for a parent who needs both hands free.

Getting outside and getting your kid to exercise is something that is extremely important. They need the fresh air and everyone can benefit from getting a little exercise in. It’s also a great way to bond with your child, as you can talk and laugh and play all the while. Come on into DiBella Chiropractic and get an adjustment for both you and your child so that you know you’re both feeling great!

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